Contact Us:

670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn,
NY 11216

+1 800 966 4564
+1 800 9667 4558

About Us

GEORAPH NIGERIA LIMITED (GNL) is a fully indigenous engineering design, construction and maintenance company, operating in Nigeria purely on the Nigerian content basis.

GEORAPH was incorporated in December 1993 as a Limited Liability Company and provides Engineering services in the following areas:

  • Oil and Gas Pipeline and Flowline Construction (Land and Swamp).
  • Civil, Building and Structural Engineering Work.
  • Oil spill cleanup, Remediation and Rehabilitation of Impacted sites.
  • Maintenance of Oil and Gas Pipe work and Facilities.
  • Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation work/ Fabrication.
  • Manpower supplies.

Our exploits in these specialized areas bear testimony to our capabilities, having provided services to such multinational as SPDC amongst others. We have executed various onshore projects for these clients with good success and are also exploring possibilities of extending our services to the Government and other major stakeholders in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria. Many of the projects executed include Mechanical fabrications, Road construction, Pipe installations,  corrosion control and commissioning.

These projects were executed wholly and solely by Nigerians using our Nigerian resources.

GNL has been providing these services to the oil, gas, petrochemical and allied industries for a period spanning 12 years. Over the years, we have invested in the development of in-house expertise and material resources in order to position ourselves as the service company of first choice and ensure that we meet the requirements of our customers at all times. In our team are professional engineers with vast experiences in the oil and gas industry in Mechanical/Civil Constructions, Installation, Pipeline Construction /Installation including Corrosion Engineering and Inspection. The core team is supported by a pool of highly skilled, well trained and motivated Mechanical / Civil Engineers and Technicians.

GNL is committed to the Nigerian project and to enhancing Nigerian content in our projects.